Wednesday, June 2, 2010

We always try to stay as optimistic as possible when things come to an end. "It's not goodbye, it's see ya later," or "this isn't the end, this is just the beginning," or whatever phrase we use in order to cover up the fact the what is about to happen may actually not be as happy as we would like to believe. It's just so odd that often times we stifle so many of our emotions that as a society, we can not deal with emotions.
When we were younger, when we were not happy, something was "wrong." Why is being unhappy wrong? With the good comes the bad. Good times are not nearly as special until you have experienced the bad.We can not truly experience what love is until we have been heart broken.

Things in my life are changing pretty quick, and I feel like a new chapter of my life is upon me. I felt that have a record of these changes would be helpful/useful/therapeutic, but above all, and outlet to just write down what I'm going through. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride :)