I thought I did this every year. Looking through my old posts, apparently I don't. In light of recent events, I was compelled to really reflect on what I'm thankful for this year.
1. Family - Even though I always have drama w/family (extended, that is), I am grateful to have my mom, dad, sister and brothers. I love them all immensely, and no matter what they're mine :) My sister puts up with my daily antics and my parents have really started to support me in my new job.
2. The people I claim as Family - I have family friends who I can honestly say are my family. These are the people that just have taken me into their households and pretty much adopted me into their lives. The Wada and the Perez families are both my 2nd family. They have always accepted me for who I am without reserve, and I can not express my never ending gratitude for all they have done for me. It has been far too long since I have visited, and I promise to get up there soon!
3. Friends, both new and old - People come in and out of your life everyday. Some are just meant to just hang around for a while and then leave, while others have a permanent spot in your life. Others just take without giving and others give without ever asking for a thing in return. At the end of the day, a friend is a friend. I love the ones I have. I am very particular about the company I keep, and I must say, the company that is around me right now is awesome! This is my thank you to the people who put up with me and just accept and love my for who I am. You can't pick your family;but my frieds - y'all CHOOSE to be around me, and for that I am grateful.
4. My Job - For those who know (and those who don't) I am now a full time make up artist. This job means so much to me because it came at such a perfect time. I was not happy where I was in so many different ways, and this job just presented itself like it was fate - it was just made to happen. I have one of those jobs where I am glad to go in (most days) and I am truly happy to be there. i LOVE what i do. I have amazing co - workers, some of which have become awesome friends. Also, I feel like I have found something I am really passionate about. Don't get me wrong, music will always be one of my many loves, but right now this is just where I need to be, and I can't wait to see where this job will lead me.
5. The Basics - I have a roof over my head, in more than one location. I have people in my life that I love and love me in return. I'm healthy. I love my pets, and I think they love me back, haha. I have a job that pays the bills and I am happy. These are the little things people can forget that I am thankful to have.
So there it is, a couple of things that I am thankful for. To all, I hope this day is full of love and happiness. What are some of the things you are thankful for?