Monday, January 13, 2014


As a new year begins, I have tried to put more thought into what I want to focus on for the next 12 months. 2013 was a trying year. There were ups and downs, times where I thought I could not move on, and times where I just did not think I was going to come out on the other side of a situation smiling. That being said, one of the best things has happened to me this year: I found someone who I care about immensely and feels the same about me as well. I could go on, but that is another story for a different time. Without further ado, these are some points I will be focusing on during the upcoming year.

1. Worrying Less. I read in a blog post that worrying is pretty much praying for things you do not want to happen. I have witnessed my worrying affect my relationships, my job, and my well being. There is no use in stressing out about things that are out of my control or having those worries bleed into areas into my life where they are not wanted or needed.

2. Taking Care of Myself. This covers various areas, but a focus I had it just make sure I don't lose myself in the mix. Whether it be going to the gym, getting my nails done, or getting a hair cut. I just want to make sure I do treat myself now and then and also do some upkeep as well. I want to strive to be the best version of myself every opportunity that I have.

3. Choosing Happiness/ Inviting Positiveness. Misery loves company. Negativity begets negativity. By making a conscious decision daily to be happy or just choose a sunnier disposition, it will bring more positive energy into my life. I am tired of feeling down or needing a win. I woke up this morning, that should already be a win.

Those are the three main things this year. I may add to this, but honestly I think this covers most of my bases. May this New year bring light and love to all in the coming months.

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