Monday, January 3, 2011

Don't call it a resolution.

I have always believe that one should not carry baggage into the new year. I am not thinking that 201 is going to be better than 2010 or anything like that; I just like a clean slate. There's no clutter when there's nothing there quite yet to clutter your path to the end of the year. Do I have resolutions? Not exactly. There are things I want to improve, but one I put a label such as resolution, its just reason for me to break it. I simply put it as something I need to do. So here are some of the things I would like to work on during the upcoming year.

1) Read more and educate myself. - I was walking in a bookstore pointing out books about topics I used to know. Another day I was talking to a volunteer at work about one of my favorite books, but couldn't recall certain events. I miss learning. I haven't really educated myself for fun in a really long time. Now's the time to start.

2) Being on time for work EVERY TIME - thats a work in progress

3) Spend more time with the people I love - I need to stop being a hermit so much.

4) Work even more on myself - This means a bunch of things, but you get the gist. I want to work on all of me. Emotionally & Physically.

5) Develop my intuition more - who wants card readings? :)


7) Write more. - Not just on here,  just write to write.

Those are a few things. Above all else, I just want to be happy and heading towards the goals I have for myself. Heres to a clean slate. Now I must get ready to go to the airport. Sends lots of positive energy so I can win big! Happy New Year everyone!

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